Public Speaking To Go
One-On-One Speech Coaching
Online Training to suit your schedule
On Your Feet and Liking It!
Speaking skills to impress your audience
Boost your interview image
Develop team confidence
On-camera training
Media Messaging
Communication Challenges
Today’s world is filled with constantly changing technology, which doesn’t include much public and social interaction as in the past.
More time is spent pursuing digital communication highways like email, social media, websites, podcasts and online meetings. Even though this increases productivity, it sacrifices public speaking basics and presentation skills.
Public Speaking To Go Consultants uses productivity and technology to boost your public speaking confidence. You will easily develop a more powerful first impression, speech or on-camera presence.
Learn to communicate with confidence!
Menu of Services
- Scared Speechless Training
- Conquering Speech Fears
- On-Camera Basics
- Podcast & Voice-Over
- Tonal Quality Voice Coach
- Message Crafting for VIP’s
- Spokesperson Coaching
- PIO-Public Info Officer Training
- Speech 101 Help
- Teacher Solutions
- Microphone Pro Tips
- Drop The “Umms” Speech Remedy
- Business Development Strategies
- Entrepreneur Success

Our Mission
Maryalicia Johnson, MBA, Communication Specialist.
Our vision is to help you make that winning impression!
You may be feeling anxious about an interview for a dream job, preparing to give a memorable speech at a family gathering, or speaking to the media. Whatever the circumstance, it is important to show confidence. We will help you overcome the fear of speaking and prepare you to be a star!
Let's Get Started
PS2G News

Speaking Fear and Firefighters
Speaking fear is real and it affects those in life-saving roles just like everyone else. Our leading fire rescue personnel depend on speaking skills to successfully navigate their careers. It seems unlikely that our brave men and women who run towards fire and danger can still struggle with speaking fear. I'm talking about Firefighters and speaking fear, but they can fight it in 3 basic...