What’s the fail-proof way to land that job you are applying for?  Use these 5 fail-proof questions to research before the big interview. The first step is to make it through the resume police, but don’t get stopped there.  Once you get the call and you’ve got their attention, it’s time to go big or go home.  Now go show them why you are a great candidate, by doing your 5 question research before the big interview.

Preparation is crucial to making a good first impression

A first impression is built on confidence and preparation, so don’t take shortcuts.  Clearly, if you walk into an interview without knowing the basics you’ll waste a good opportunity and embarrass yourself.  Do the research before the big interview!

I once remember an interview where the interviewee was asked what he thought of our CEO, the Mayor and he said oh I can’t remember his name, but I’ve seen him.  He lost the job right there.  As the main job manager it was clear he hadn’t done his research, Our Mayor was a woman, who he should have at least known her name if he was applying to work in her office.  I was embarrassed for him, but the rest of the interview showed his disastrous lack of preparation.

Research before the big interview

It’s pretty simple to research the company you are interviewing with by using the internet and even going to their website.   Your preparation is vital to jumpstart your awareness, which will give you the confidence to master the interview.

Research the company to gain priceless interview respect

You must learn the 5 fail-proof questions to research before the big interview.  A recent MSN article by Judith Humphrey reports the importance of the pre-interview research to not only sound smart but to ultimately show respect. She goes on to share her proven top 3 things to research before your next job interview.

The top 5 fail-proof questions to know;Research before the big interview

  1. What’s the job description
  2. What’s the company mission/goal/business
  3. Who are the top leaders
  4. What is the culture/work environment
  5. What is the company status

What’s the job description?

Start your research at the company website human resources or employment area.  Understanding the job description can turn your interview performance into a powerful presentation. The winning candidate will commit the goals and responsibilities to memory for impressing the hiring team.

What is my company’s mission / goals?

What is the mission of the company and the product or service area.  How do they meet their monthly production goals or financial objectives?  Figure out how your skills can position alongside the company’s goals and missions and actually improve their bottomline.  This is how to make your employment with them the cure to their biggest challenges.

Where to find  top leaders of your potential company

Start with the website to learn the CEO, COO and executive leadership statements of your future employer.  All you have to do is read the President’s letter, the blog, daily updates, etc. to get an idea of their philosophy and ideals.  Also, search the web or news for articles about the company and press releases for the leader quotes and specifics.

How to research company culture or work environment:

The prepared candidate searches the web, annual reports, glass door and other resources to learn about the company culture.  It can be a bit more obscure to find this information, but it is essential for today’s job satisfaction.  What’s the maternity process for a return to work or the culture for lunch or remote work.  Companies are offering more today and post pandemic than in past times, so make that work to your advantage.

Learn about company status

Read the investor relations section of the website to gain insight on the annual reports where you can find financial and corporate gems of information.  Look for key leaders who posted speeches or mission statements or blogs on social medial sites to just research their thoughts and sentiment.

The top job candidate will find out what the leaders are focused on and what they are saying to the public.  Use this research to learn their vision and the company’s standing in the private or public markets.  Do they have a stock ticker?  Do they have stock options to offer?  Is your future company private and or positioning for an IPO (Initial Public Offering)?  Does what you are learning still interest you and make you want to work there?

Use this information to summarize a position on the company, so that you can elaborate in your interview.  For example if you are fascinated by the company’s strong family values to remain private you can say, I’m impressed by the leadership team’s progressive moves to continually innovate new products and stay on the cutting edge of the industry.

Once you understand the detailed information from the executives and leadership, you’ll be confident to answer questions and even ask some strong follow-ups.

Use these 5 fail-proof questions to gain that competitive edge and create your dream job with the best culture and benefits available. Contact us to meet with your own personal coach for a quick preparation pow wow. Hiring Public Speaking To Go is one of the most effective ways to communicate with confidence.

We hope you are having a blessed Thanksgiving weekend and connecting with the people you care about the most.  Also, don’t forget to reach out and pay it forward and share your abundance. Research for the big interview




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